Press-fit: KEMET’s Evolution of Snap-in Aluminum Capacitors

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With the broadest selection of capacitors on the market, KEMET Corporation has offered a new aluminum capacitor line, Press-fit. The compact new capacitors from KEMET are designed to eliminate the hassles of soldering with their proprietary press fit construction. The reliable Press-fit contacts require only 100 N per pin to press into a PCB, and allow for fast interchange between parts, if necessary, for applications such as smoothing, energy storage, or uninterruptible/switch mode power supplies. Press-fit’s high-ripple current and surge voltage capability promote system safety and can be customized to fit into your system.


KEMET’s Press-Fit series offer several key features to best suit your design. For connection contacts, the Press-Fit lines sport either four or five pins. There are 2 series:  ALF20 (85ºC) and ALF40 (105ºC).  ALF20 touts a capacitance range of 150 to 100,000 µF, all with ±20 % tolerance and voltages up to 600V.  The ALF40 touts a capacitance range of 120 to 120,000 µF, all with ±20 % tolerance and voltages up to 500V.  KEMET’s Press-Fit lines are BS EN 60352-5:2012 and IEC 60384–4 certified.

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