Kingston e-MMC Flash Memory

Kingston’s e-MMC Flash Memory is built with optimization in mind.

The system design follows the JEDEC e-MMC 5.1 standard; an enclosed MCL NAND and e-MMC controller inside one package for standardized interfacing with the host CPU. Engineers can benefit from reduced design-in complexity and shortened qualification cycles when management of rapidly evolving NAND technology is made invisible to the host and host processor. The e-MMC controller directs all Flash management, including ECC, wear-leveling, IOPS optimization and read sensing. Systems are able to focus more processing power on the task at hand instead of constantly updating NAND software.

e-MMC technology is already widely used in consumer electronics for its low-power consumption and compact size. Increasingly, designers of embedded technology are turning to e-MMC as well because MLC NAND gives them the high-capacity storage they need at a more affordable price point than SLC NAND. 

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