Littelfuse automotive grade TVS diodes and TVS diode arrays

Littelfuse offers a wide portfolio of components that help protect the growing number of electronic applications in modern vehicles, including automotive grade TVS diodes and TVS diode arrays.

From ultra-low capacitance TVS diode arrays for ESD protection to high-speed signal line – including Ethernet, USB 3.1, and HDBase, as well as CAN Bus and LIN Bus to TVS diodes for active clamping — Littelfuse has the solutions and expertise to help solve your technical and application challenges.

Complementing the company’s wide portfolio of products is a global network of design and technical support expertise with decades of design experience to help you address application challenges and achieve regulatory compliance.

Read this brochure to learn more about Littelfuse’s portfolio of automotive grade TVS diodes and TVS diode arrays.


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