Littelfuse Offers the Broadest Range of Surface Mount TVS Diodes

Littelfuse specializes in surface mount transient voltage suppression (TVS) diodes, which are designed to protect semiconductors from damage due to transient voltages.

Key features:

  • 200 to 8000 W peak pulse power capability
  • Excellent clamping capability without degradation
  • Low profile packages including SOD-123FL, DO-221AC, SMB, and SMC
  • Reverse standoff voltage from 3.3 V to 600 V
  • High current SMT TVS up to 10 kA in 8/20 μs
  • Available in uni-directional (uni-polar) or bi-directional (bi-polar) diode circuit configurations
  • In-house manufacturing
  • Wide range of applications include: Industrial, Power supplies, Building automation, Battery powered devices, Medical




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