Littelfuse Surface Mount Li-ion Battery Protectors


Battery packs are widely used but are subject to many risks such as overcharging and overheating. Littelfuse li-ion battery protectors provide the safety you need for your applications.

The Littelfuse ITV is a three-terminal surface mountable li-ion battery protector designed to guard against battery damage caused by both overcurrent and overcharging.

Its innovative design provides fast responses and reliable performance to interrupt the charging or discharging circuit before the battery pack becomes overcharged or overheated.

A fuse element is embedded to cut off the circuit when an overcurrent issue happens. A heater is also directly embedded under the fuse element, which generates heat to blow the fuse once overvoltage is detected by the IC or FET.

Features & Benefits

  • Prevents battery pack damage caused by overcharging
  • Current ratings of 12 A, 15 A, 22 A, 30 A and 45 A
  • Operation voltages ranging from 3 V to 62 V
  • Innovative design uses embedded fuse and heater elements
  • Low internal resistance
  • UL and TUV certification; RoHS compliant and halogen-free
  • Surface mountable footprint


  • Power tools
  • Robotic appliances
  • E-bikes and e-scooters
  • Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS)
  • Emergency radio and eCall


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