DJ Set-Set at the Arrow Maker Faire Booth

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The fresh beats you’ll hear in the Arrow booth at this year’s Bay Area Maker Faire are courtesy of Seth Adcock, who goes by Set-Set.

He’s been performing and experimenting with music for well over a decade. A producer and DJ alike, most of Seth's experience with music is directly linked to youth development and education. He helmed the Best Buy Teen Tech Center Music Studio in Denver, Colorado for several years, and loves teaching young people about music production, spoken-word poetry, lyric writing, and video editing.

When Seth isn’t spinning up beats, he works his day job as a tech instructor for Arts Street, a Denver-based non-profit focused on creating career-based educational opportunities for Colorado youth. Seth works specifically in the tech field, encouraging STEM education and helping to inspire the Makers, engineers and tech enthusiasts of tomorrow at a grassroots level.

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