USB Connector Types: Mini USB Connectors & Pinouts

USB cables come with five different basic types of USB connector: types A, B, micro B, mini B, and C. The mini connector is common on older non-Apple mobile phones and other portables. However, the USB micro has largely replaced the mini in recent years, and USB-C may soon replace the micro.

USB cables come with five different basic types of USB connector: types A, B, micro B, mini B, and C. The mini connector is common on older non-Apple mobile phones and other portables. However, the USB micro has largely replaced the mini in recent years, and USB-C may soon replace the micro.

The mini connector is compatible with the first and second-generation USB standard, but was replaced by micro prior to the development of USB 3.0.

The standard mini USB connector has five pins:

Looking at the mini connector on a cable, pins are numbered 1-4 (X included), ascending, from left to right.  All wires are shielded, and the data wires (positive and negative) are a twisted pair requiring no termination.

Since it’s no longer certified for new devices, the USB mini connector will likely fade from use in the near future. Check out the USB mini B connector pinout below:

Fig 1: Mini USB Type B connector pinout

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