Minimize Power Loss and Maximize the Efficiency of Solar with Isolation

Whether your solar inverter is stand-alone or tied to the grid, Silicon Labs isolation and current sensor products provide the necessary reliability and safety for your design. We've helped boost energy capacity by 3,600 megawatts over the past five years through integration into about 7.3 million solar inverters.

0819 Solar Enhanced PDP inset


After the array of solar photovoltaic cells capture and convert the optical energy into electrical energy, the dc-dc boost increases the dc voltage from the panels, then outputs ac voltage for connection to the grid after filtering. The dc boost and inverter stages require isolated gate drivers, like the Si82xx gate drivers for driving the power switches (MOSFETs, IGBTs or in new designs, SiC or GaN FETs).




Dual gate drivers with deadtime and overlap protection


Dual gate drivers with enhanced safety features


Single & dual gate drivers with low latency and high transient immunity


Single & dual gate drivers with the highest transient immunity in the industry

Sensing & Feedback

Analog isolators are used for sensing V/I for feedback to the controller for closed loop control using isolated analog sensors like the Si892x.




Current shunt sense amplifiers with digital or analog output*

Communication & Control 

The entire system can be monitored and controlled via a communication bus. The bus is isolated with digital isolators and digital isolators with integrated DC/DC power converters like the Si86xx and Si88xx.




System communication


Communication with power transfer

*Please note some products are in development. Please contact your Arrow sales representative for specific product status.

View Silicon Labs' full isolation line here.

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