More About NimbeLink

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NimbeLink is an M2M solution integrator and full system provider, simplifying cellular connectivity, NimbeLink enables the fast growing Internet of Things. NimbeLink creates powerful application-specific devices including a full line-up of pre-certified cellular modems, Remote Monitors and Ethernet to Cellular Modems.

As a Solution Integrator, NimbeLInk thrives on getting clients up and running on the network quickly.  NimbeLink drives to the core for a thorough understanding of your business requirements and build hardware and services to your needs, saving you precious time and money.  Through their portfolio of partners and in-house services they bring to bear a wide range of capabilities including design, engineering, cellular connectivity, sensor selection, cloud-based data collection and manufacturing.  NimbeLink gets customers up and running quickly, saving time to market, so clients are on-time, with innovation to market.

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