Popular Arduino Articles & Videos

Our engineers have created a wide range of Arduino overviews and tutorials to inform and educate engineers and entrepreneurs about the Arudino microcontroller ecosystem. Find helpful product highlights for each Arduino release, see how Arduino compares to other top microcontrollers, and learn about innovative Arduino applications.

Ultrasonic Sensors: How They Work (and How to Use Them with Arduino)


When you need input from the real world to your robot or data collection system, there are several options to choose from.


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Arduino Uno vs. Mega vs. Micro


The Arduino boards have become one of the most popular microcontrollers on the market with a huge variety of boards. Some Arduino boards are better suited for certain applications. Let’s compare some of the more popular boards that Arduino has created – the Uno, Micro, and Mega 2560 – and see which one is best for your next prototyping, IoT or DIY project, or school robotic project.


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Arduino Mega 2560 Overview - The Uno's Big Brother


As leaders in open-source development boards and software, the Arduino Corporation is renowned for their premier board, the Arduino Uno. The Arduino Mega 2560, while slightly less well known, is the Uno’s bigger, faster brother. With all the capabilities of four Uno boards combined, the Arduino Mega 2560 is a beefy microcontroller board based around the powerful ATmega2560 microprocessor, and is capable of almost anything you can throw at it.


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Raspberry Pi 3 vs. Arduino Uno Rev3


The Arduino Uno and the Raspberry Pi 3 are popular choices when it comes to DIY, IoT, or just fun engineering projects. They can be used for prototyping and real-world engineering solutions (ie. Into the Blue using Arduino & Raspberry Pi boards for an underwater camera). If you are having difficulty finding which one to use for your project, let’s look at what each board offers.


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Arduino Uno vs. MKR Series


The Arduino Uno board has been a staple in the maker and professional development industry, having a huge reliable online community and resources to tackle any developmental obstacle. While the Uno board is diverse in its application to many industries, Arduino has a specific series that is meant to tackle the growing industry of IoT development – the Arduino MKR series.


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An Overview of the Arduino Micro - Specifications, Capabilities and More


Arduino Corporation is a premier open-source development board and software development company. The Arduino Uno is highly regarded as one of the easiest microcontroller boards to use on the market. Their smallest creation, the Arduino Micro, is incredibly versatile. The Micro, co-designed by Adafruit Industries, is the condensed version of Arduino’s Leonardo board, and is capable of being integrated easily into everyday objects to give them wireless interactivity.


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Arduino Bluetooth Control: Arduino to Arduino Control Via Bluetooth


When the average person hears the term “Bluetooth,” they may think of an audio headset or speaker. Both devices use Bluetooth technology, but electronics enthusiasts know you can use this short distance communication method for much more than listening to your favorite podcast.


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Can the Arduino Uno R3 be Used for Industrial Solutions?


The Arduino Uno R3 from Arduino is one of the most popular microcontrollers out there, and it boasts a large online community that has created thousands of projects. Whether you want to monitor temperature and humidity outside your house or have the Arduino control a robot to auto-balance itself, the Arduino has a versatile set that can be applied in many DIY applications. But how does Arduino work in industrial solutions?


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Arduino Data Logger Tutorial: How to Log Data from Arduino


As an engineering student working on a co-op assignment and internship, I was assigned a less-than-thrilling task. I monitored a machine to observe any errors it generated for several hours at a time. While I was happy to do it, this assignment was incredibly dull, and anyone who didn’t know what I was doing would certainly question my mental state.


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Top Shields for Your Arduino


Arduino is a mainstay in the electronics world, which means there are hundreds of Shields that you can add to your Arduino board for a variety of applications! After reviewing lots of different shields, we’ve come up with a list of the ones we think will suit your next project or design best.


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Grbl: Inexpensive and Easy Machine Control with Arduino


PID Controller Basics & Tutorial: PID Implementation in Arduino


Arduino Tone Music: How to Play Musical Notes with Arduino


NRF24L01+ Tutorial: Arduino-to-Arduino RF Communication


Understanding Arduino Serial Communication


Product Insight: Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Connection Bridge


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Free Arduino Boards Beckon Makers at CES


Arduino MKR 1300 Tutorial: Communication Between Two Arduinos


Analog Devices Arduino Shields


Arduino MKR – the New Frontier


What is an Arduino Shield?


I2C Arduino Uno Tutorial for Beginners


Arduino Every vs. Arduino 33: Arduino Boards Comparison


Updates to the Arduino MKR Family


Arduino GPS Introduction: How to Connect GPS Module to Arduino


How Chasing Coral was Filmed Using Raspberry Pi and Arduino


Top 5 Arduino Baseboards


Introducing the Internet of Arduino Challenge, Powered by Arrow and Indiegogo


Arduino Clones vs. the Real Thing: Advantages of Genuine Arduino Boards


Determining Which Arduino Board to Choose for Your Next Project


Product Insight – 1Sheeld+ for Arduino


ATtiny85 Arduino Tutorial: Specs & Applications


Simplify Design with Bluetooth Xpress BGX Arduino Shield from Silicon Labs


Oscillators and Arduino: Configurations & Settings


Robotic Accessories for your Arduino


Arduino Sleep Mode for Power Savings


Sparkfun’s Pro Micro: Arduino IDE Compatible Board


Arduino Day 2018 Recap


Bring Your Ideas to Life with the Internet of Arduino Challenge


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