New Littelfuse Xtreme Varistor Series

New Littelfuse Xtreme Varistors Increase Surge Protection While Reducing Component Footprint

Littelfuse Xtreme Varistor Series is specifically designed for applications requiring high surge energy/current absorption and multiple surge pulse withstanding capability. Xtreme Varistor Series is available in six nominal disc sizes: 5 mm, 7 mm, 10 mm, 11 mm, 14 mm, and 20 mm. Constructed with a proprietary powder formulation developed by Littelfuse, these new, smaller varistors achieve robust surge performance that helps prevent damage, fire hazards, and catastrophic failure even under extreme circumstances.


– Small disc sizes (from 5 mm to 20 mm) reduces both the component footprint and the printed circuit board space required for circuit protection
– Suitable for products with high operating temperature ranges up to 125 °C.
– High surge energy and current absorption withstanding capability extend product reliability and lifespan
– Meets the UL-94 Flammability Rating V-0 which ensures burning stops within 10 seconds.

The Xtreme Varistors are specifically designed for use in the following markets and applications:

– Home and building automation
– Large and small appliances
– Outdoor LED lighting
– Smoke detectors and fire alarms
– Smart meters
– GFCI, AFCI, and USB outlets




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