New Product Introduction: STMicroelectronics’s LIS3DHHTR

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STMicroelectronicsLIS3DHHTR, newly available on, is considered a “nano” accelerometer due to its compact packaging. The LIS3DHHTR also boasts ultra-low power performance, reducing the need for larger batteries in your system. This means that it can be used in many systems that require the functionality of an accelerometer in a more manageable casing, like wearable devices or cell phones.


The LIS3DHHTR offers a highly precise 3-axis, ±2.5 g full-scale with 16-bit output. This, combined with its ultra-low noise performance, high shock survivability, extended operating temperatures (-40-85 oC) and excellent stability over time (<0.4 g/oC), makes it practical in industrial settings, such as leveling equipment or inclinometer technology.

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