New Wolfspeed WolfPACK™ full-bridge modules are engineered for isolated DC-DC converters

Isolated DC-DC converters are a key component to many power conversion applications from EV chargers to industrial power supplies and energy storage systems.

These isolated DC-DC converters utilize a full-bridge of active devices on the primary side and either a diode rectifier (power uni-directional power configuration) or another full-bridge of active devices (bi-directional power configuration) on the secondary side. The graphic below shows how these topologies share a common architecture but differ in the high frequency transformer stage.


Figure 1.
Generic isolated DC-DC architecture with full-bridges on primary and secondary side.

Read this article from Wolfspeed to understand how the new full-bridge WolfPACK silicon carbide power modules, now available with the option of pre-applied thermal interface material (TIM), can be scaled to address your high power needs.


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