Nexperia's Single Supply Logic Gates with Voltage Translation

Nexperia’s 74AUP1Txx and 74LV1Txxx mini logic series provide solutions that integrate voltage-level translation with a Boolean function. Both series are composed of single general-purpose voltage translating devices. 74AUP1Txx solutions are 2.3 V to 3.6 V supply translating devices and 74LV1Txxx types are 1.6 V to 5.5 V supply translating devices. Each series is composed of 10 logic functions including buffers, inverters and gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EXCLUSIVE-OR, EXCLUSIVE-NOR). Only the 74AUP1Txx types feature partial power-down and Schmitt-trigger inputs.

Nexperia's 74AUP1Txx family achieves single-supply translation through the use of low-threshold and over-voltage protected inputs. The output level is always referenced to Vcc which can range from 2.3 V to 3.6 V. For Vcc = 2.5 V, input logic signals for 1.8 V is valid. For Vcc = 3.3 V, input logic signals for 1.8 V and above are valid. This wide Vcc range allows the interconnection between most logic level signals. 4 mA output drive provides a balance between drive current and reductions in line reflections, overshoot and undershoot.

Nexperia's 74LV1Txxx logic family provides solutions that integrate voltage level translation with a Boolean function. 74LV1Txx types are single 1.6 V to 5.5 V supply general- purpose voltage translating devices. Their 74LV1Txxx family is currently composed of ten logic functions including buffers, inverters and gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EXCLUSIVE-OR, EXCLUSIVE-NOR).

- Portable devices
- Industrial controllers
- Servers, PC & Notebooks
- Automotive

74AUP1Txx Key Features
- 2.3 V to 3.6 V supply voltage range
- Up and down translation possible
- IOFF circuitry for partial power-down operation
- Schmitt-trigger inputs
- Overvoltage tolerant inputs
- Up to 50 MHz operation at 3.3 V
- Low static power use

74AUP1Txx Benefits
- Partial power down mode support
- Integration of logic function with translation saves device count and PCB space
- Footprint-compatible with existing non-translating devices
- Available in smallest package for use without step-down mask (X2SON5)




74LV1Txxx Key Features
- Wide supply voltage range 1.6 V to 5.5 V
- Up and down translation possible
- Overvoltage tolerant inputs
- Up to 50 MHz operation at 3.3 V

74LV1Txxx Benefits
- No external pull-up or pull down resistors required
- Integration of logic function with translation saves device count and PCB space
- Footprint-compatible with existing non-translating devices
- Low dynamic power consumption increasing battery longevity
- Available in smallest package for use without step-down mask (X2SON5)



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