NXP brings smarts, versatility, and connectivity to the industrial edge

Discover a new trio of products from NXP that help designers tackle complex cognition and actuation tasks.

i.MX 8M Plus with Arm® Cortex®-A53 processor for ML, vision, and IoT

With the i.MX 8M Plus, NXP fields a versatile application processor perfectly suited for reliable AI on the edge. The i.MX 8M Plus features an Arm® Cortex®-A53 processor that enables machine learning and vision, multimedia, and industrial IoT applications. With options for connecting two cameras, onboard image signal processing, and a dedicated neural processing unit, this chip opens up a world of options to bring intelligence right to the edge.

Download the i.MX 8M Plus Datasheet

i.MX RT1170 crossover MCUs – Accelerating advanced applications at the edge

The reliability of the device is ensured using inline error correcting code (ECC) that automatically protects against data corruption in the RAM. In a perfect pairing, the i.MX RT1170 crossover MCU brings both computation power and a wide range of peripheral options to connect anything from high-end sensors to orchestrating multiple drives. The dual core i.MX RT 1170 running on the Cortex®-M7 at up to 1GHz and Cortex®-M4 at 400MHz delivers great processing power with additional support for complex graphics output and a wide range of interfaces for data input and output.

Download i.MX RT1170 Datasheet

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NXP Semiconductors Embedded System Development Boards and Kits View

TJA146x CAN - Strengthened industrial approach with CAN Signal Improvement Capability (SIC)

Both chips can be tied together over CAN-FD, which brings us to the TJA146x CAN Signal Improvement Capability (SIC) Transceivers. With the introduction of this transceiver line, NXP aims to revolutionize the CAN network. CAN SIC actively improves the CAN signal, enabling higher data rates up to 8 Mb/s and greatly increased freedom in network design. This radically changes the potential of CAN FD, positioning it as a cost-efficient technology to serve the networking challenges of next-generation applications.

Download TJA146x CAN Datasheet

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NXP Semiconductors Controller Area Network - CAN Transceivers View

i.MX 7ULP for power-conscious edge processing

If you are designing for the edge, low power consumption likely tops your list of requirements. Heterogenous Domain Computing (HDC) in the i.MX 7ULP applications processor makes it possible for low-power designs to shift dynamically between high-performance and low-power modes depending on the use case for wearable and portable devices as well as a new generation of power aware edge systems.

NXP’s i.MX 7ULP applications processor is qualified for industrial temperature ranges and operation and is available now. The industrial part numbers for reference are: MCIMX7U5CVP06SD and MCIMX7U3CVP06SD.

Download i.MX 7ULP Datasheet

EdgeLock SE050 secure element

Integrating EdgeLock SE050 secure element into an industrial device adds security and integrity to the design, providing protection against unauthorized access and data manipulation, as well as a convenient way to meet the strict requirements of ISA/IEC 62443 standards.

Download Edgelock SE050 Datasheet    

UWB Trimension™ technology

NXP’s UWB technology precisely measures the travel time of the signal between two UWB nodes for unprecedented localization accuracy of just a few centimeters in real time. This enables secure and precise localization use cases. Real-time and location-aware sensor information enables you to increase productivity and enable factory automation as well as to increase security and safety for workers and infrastructure in industrial environments.

New FXLS9x accelerometer family for industrial market

The FXLS90 family is the latest generation of medium/high g sensors from NXP with improved bandwidth up to 4 kHz. Initially developed for the automotive safety market, this family is also a great fit for vibration monitoring and shock monitoring in industrial environments as the source of data for predictive maintenance applications.

The powerful combination of high bandwidth, 16 bits ADC resolution and highly configurable embedded digital filtering are the key elements for developing high performance industrial solutions. In addition, this family comes with an efficient and easy-to-use set of evaluation tools including a PC connected eval board and graphical tool that allows the visualization and datalogging of raw data and real-time computing functions such as FFT, statistical distributions, and configurable filters.

Download FXLS9x Datasheet    

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