NOA1305CUTAG: Ultra-compact Ambient Light Sensing for Handheld Devices by ON Semiconductor

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ON Semiconductor is a Fortune 1000 company that specializes in discrete and analog devices and sensors. Their newest addition to Arrow’s portfolio, the NOA1305CUTAG, is an ultra-compact ambient light sensor designed to be used in handheld devices to provide light to current readings. The NOA1305CUTAG touts high-precision operation thanks to its 50/60 Hz, infrared rejection, and built-in dynamic dark current compensation. Its optical filter is manufactured to be an analogue to the human eye.

The main benefit of the NOA1305CUTAG is that it requires no external parts. The chip is fully integrated with every component necessary to provide effective results in a miniscule (4 mm2) footprint. Sporting a 400-kHz oscillator, a 16-bit ADC and ON Semiconductor’s proprietary CMOS image sensing, the NOA1305CUTAG has a linear response over its wide operating voltage (2.4 to 3.6 V) and temperature (-40 to 85 oC) ranges with programmable integration times of 6.25 to 800 ms.

Given the all-in-one nature of the ultra-compact chip, along with a low-power consumption (<120 µA) in normal operation and dissipation (<2 µA) in power-down mode, the NOA1305CUTAG is ideal for devices like smartphones and tablets that make use of light-based screen dimming, and will deliver effective results from very low light level to full sunlight.

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