ON Semiconductor’s LV8907UW: Brushless Automotive Three-Phase Motor Driver/Controller

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New to Arrow, the LV8907UW is a sensor-less, brushless motor controller from ON Semiconductor that is designed for three-phase automotive applications. With integrated gate voltage drivers, the LV8907UW can power up to six external N-MOSFETs in your system. The high-performance driver chip is PPAP capable, AEC-Q100-qualified, and has an operating temperature range of up to 175 oC, making it ideal for high intensity systems like automotive fans and pumps, as well as white goods.

The LV8907UW is created to be a space-efficient, stand-alone solution for your automotive system. Sporting a 49 mm2 footprint, the chip features an integrated watchdog timer and local interconnect network (LIN) transceiver system, along with built-in one-time programmable (OTP) and RAM memory. These features, in tandem with the configurable open-/closed-loop controller functions, make it useful in almost any system. This incredible flexibility is additionally augmented by robust system protections against short-circuit, over-current, and over-voltage, etc.

ON Semiconductor’s LV8907UW is the ultimate addition to any motor-powered system, especially automotive ones, and is sure to deliver high-level performance in a safe, all-in-one controller chip.

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