OptiMOS™-5 80V/100V Automotive MOSFET in SSO8 and S3O8 Packages for 48V Applications

Infineon is extending its product family of 80V and 100V MOSFETs based on OptiMOS™-5 Silicon technology. The MOSFET family is offered in SSO8 package with its 5x6 mm² footprint for medium power and the smaller S3O8 for lower-power applications, such as 48V auxiliaries and automotive LED lighting.

These new Infineon MOSFETs have tightened VGS thresholds in order to support designs with parallel MOSFETs, providing a very low system-level RDS(on). Along with the low RDS(on) types, a broad selection of 80V and 100V MOSFETs with higher RDS(on) are available.


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