Passive components for cutting-edge applications: Yageo resistor technology

Resistors are used in a wide variety of different applications and processes across all electronic industries. Designed with highly reliable electrode constructions, resistors provide the backbone of modern electronic functions. YAGEO Group offers case sizes from 0075 to 2512, and a wide range of specialized technologies such as Metal Current Sense, Anti-Surge, High Voltage, Thin Film Precision, Automotive, Miniaturization, High Reliability, and Anti Sulfur.

Common application circuits:

Used as a Voltage Divider:

As an Energy Dissipater:

As a Current Sensor:

Settings Voltage with Resistors (Pull Up or Pull Down):

As a Current Limiter:

For Transmission Line Termination:

YAGEO Resistor Part Classifications

Two common resistor technologies that are often compared are Thin film and thick film resistors.

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