PHOENIX CONTACT Unveils New 1407895 Connector Push-Pull/RJ-45 IDT Cable-Mount 1/1 Port

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PHOENIX CONTACT recently announced the addition of the RJ45 Connector CUC-V14-C1ZNI-B/R4IP8 - 1407895. This connector is able to be used for cables with an outside diameter ranging from 4.5 mm to 8 mm. (However, the diameter of the wire insulation should not exceed 1.6 mm). The connector may be reconnected as many as 20 times with the same wire cross section.

The PHOENIX CONTACT RJ45 Connector 1407895 is a push-pull advance connector. The product consists of die-cast zinc and nickel-plated housing surface materials. It features a RJ45 connector insert. It also has eight positions. The 1407895 connector offers IDC fast connection technology. It is ideal for one- and seven-wire cores and cable diameters of 5.5 mm to 10 mm. The device also provides a cable outlet at its base.


Additional features of the PHOENIX CONTACT RJ45 Connector 1407895 include a locking system, which prevents inadvertent removal, as well as protected data transmission, enabled by a 360° shielding concept. The connector provides high resistance to ESD and EMC for reliable transmission. Its rated current is 1.75 A. The dielectric strength is 800 V, which is in accordance with DIN/EN 60603-7.


The connector has a variety of mechanical characteristics. It has insertion/withdrawal cycles of ≥ 750 and IDC fast connection. The connection cross-section AWG is 23...22 (solid and stranded). Ambient temperature for operation is -40 °C to 70 °C. Ambient temperature for assembly is -10 °C ... 40 °C, and for storage/transport, it is -40 °C to 70 °C. The degree of protection is IP65/IP67.


PHOENIX CONTACT’s RJ45 Connector 1407895 is classified in the eCl@ss. It is considered EC000007, EC000489, and EC00236. Additionally, it is UNSPSC 31261501.

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