Raychem INSTALITE Molded Boots from TE Connectivity

Raychem INSTALITE Molded Boots are heat-shrink memory boots that deliver 30% weight savings and 30% quicker installation times for aerospace, defense, and marine applications.

TE Connectivity’s Raychem INSTALITE molded boots are a range of heat-shrink boots for cables and connectors. These boots are resistant to most military fuels, oils, and greases and are up to 30% lighter than their -25 boot counterparts. They are abrasion-resistant, meet the requirements of VG95343 Parts 6 and 18, and have a tensile strength of 10 MPa (1,450 psi) minimum. 

The connectors exhibit no cracking at temperatures as low as –75°C for four hours and can operate in temperatures from –75°C to 150°C. The Raychem System 25 has a heating time of 2 minutes and 24 seconds, while the System 25L variety has a heating time of 1 minute and 41 seconds. The TE Connectivity Raychem INSTALITE molded boots are available in a wide range of shapes, including right angles and straight boots.

Key Features

  • 20% to 30% lighter than standard -25 boots
  • Resistant to military fuels, oil, and grease
  • Abrasion-resistant
  • Meets requirements for VG 95343 Parts 6 and 18
  • Optimized internal geometry for decreased installation time

General Applications

  • Military Ground Systems
  • Aerospace
  • Marine 

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