Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Drives Home Automation Applications

It is said that “demand is the mother of invention” and “demand” comes from people’s “idleness”. The robotic vacuum cleaner is a product developed to satisfy people’s idleness. Although this kind of product has been in the market for a while, its functions keep increasing. Its vacuum cleaning ability has been promoted, its operation time expanded and intelligent functions added. The market is growing continuously, attracting more and more manufacturers to engage in the development of related products.

Driving high efficiency motors with low voltage

The motor is the core of robotic vacuum cleaner. High efficiency motors allow the equipment to be operated quietly and lengthily. Arrow ESC provides the solution of brushless DC electric motor (BLDC Motor). It uses three lithium-ion batteries to drive it with 12V DC. The speed of the motor can reach 30000 rpm. It supports lock protection, over current protection (OCP), and over temperature protection (OTP). With the features of high operation efficiency and low voltage, the external MOSFET can support 4A driving current.

The core chip of this BLDC Motor solution employs the three-phase BLDC Motor driver A4931 of Allegro, Toshiba’s TPCP8205 MOSFET, and Littelfuse’s TVS(transient-voltage-suppression) diode SD15C-01FTG. This solution can be applicable on robotic vacuum cleaner as well as air pumps and low voltage fans by providing high efficiency and safe motor driving power and stable, reliable motor control system.

The beginning of home automation – bright future for the market 

In home automation applications, the launching of products such as robotic vacuum cleaner, can be regarded as the primary stage of the market of home automation. In fact, there is a lot of equipment that can help people tidy up their home environments awaiting to be developed. Alternatively, we can add more intelligent functions to traditional home electrical white goods to promote people’s quality of living. It depends on the inventors’ brilliant ideas to integrate current technologies or innovate new ones in order to launch more creative products. Comparatively, we can also develop new spaces for the market, which is worthy of electronic manufacturers’ engagement in product development.

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