RTX Telecom A/S Company and Product Highlights

RTX designs and produces advanced wireless solutions for global clients, including solutions for enterprise PBX and VoIP communications, professional audio, consumer gaming, home automation, and smart metering.

RTX provides a range of customizable ATE solutions for production testing of wireless devices. Since its founding in 1993, RTX has undertaken more than 700 design services projects incorporating technologies such as Bluetooth™, Wi-Fi, DECT, CAT-iq, and VoIP. RTX is headquartered in Denmark.

RTX Telecom A/S Product Highlights

RTX FCC certified, small form factor, single stream, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi modules can be integrated into devices and applications run directly on the module’s 32 bit MCU core. RTX Wi-Fi modules enable rapid development of sensors for smart energy, security and automation.
RTX4100 Wi-Fi Modules
RTX4100 is a small form factor, single stream, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi module with an on-board low power application processor. The Module can be integrated into devices and application run directly on the 32 bit MCU core.
The RTX4100 WSAB (Wireless Sensor Application Board) is intended for developers that would like to leverage the sensors featured on this board to target unique applications for low volume applications or system prototyping. The WSAB is also a building block of both the EVK and DVK.
The RTX4100xx DVK (Development Kit) offers a comprehensive way of evaluating the performance and features as well as development of custom code to target onto the RTX4100 802.11 b/g/n ultra-low power module. The Kit includes a comprehensive Application Programming Interface (API), a rich set of demonstration applications supplied as source code, and an embedded firmware development suite with download tools.
The RTX4100 EVK (Evaluation Kit) offers a comprehensive way of evaluating the performance and features of the RTX4100 802.11 b/g/n ultra-low power module, without having to develop custom software.

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