Security comparison between PSoC™ 64 Secure MCU and PSoC™ 62/63 MCU

Security is a "must-have" for embedded IoT designs. But not all security is the same. There are good, better, and best levels of protection, and features like ease-of-use and time-to-market in the design cycle should also be considered.

When it comes to IoT security, credibility is won by faithfully executing industry best practices. Fundamental choices in hardware and software can make or break a secure IoT design. To aid designers in making these choices, Arm® has introduced its Platform Security Architecture (PSA), an MCU security architecture supported by Trusted Firmware – M (TF-M).

Infineon's PSoC™ 64 family of microcontrollers is one of the first to support PSA and deliver TF-M. Read this whitepaper to learn more about how PSoC™ 64 Secure MCUs provide for three levels of hardware- and firmware-based resource isolation, which is the highest level of isolation defined by the PSA.


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