Seek Thermal’s cores are designed for thermal performance and versatility

Seek Cores deliver high-end thermal capabilities, accuracy, and performance to enable the next wave of world-class products and applications. Since 2012, Seek Thermal has been on a mission to offer high quality and affordable thermal imaging solutions for a better and safer world. Our dedication to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction sets us apart from others in the world market.

Our thermal camera cores are manufactured in the U.S.A. and provide best-in-class value, performance, and ease of use. These highly versatile cameras are configurable by resolution, field of view, and frame rate to deliver optimal performance in applications such as Test & Measurement, Security Surveillance, Public Safety, Outdoor Recreation, IoT, and beyond.

Shutterless Design for Uninterrupted Imaging

Micro Core is a high-performance thermal sensor in a market-leading size footprint. Designed for small form factor, low power and lightweight applications, the Micro Core delivers high-end thermal capabilities, accuracy and performance that is unmatched in its price range.

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High Performance, Easy to Integrate, and Reliable

Designed for performance and versatility, Mosaic Core is available in 320x240 and 200x150 resolution with several configuration options to match your application and meet your program needs. Mosaic Core is perfect for Surveillance & Security, Test & Measurement, Firefighting, Drones, Person Vision Systems, Automotive, and much more.

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