SharpStreamer™ PCIE 7207 High-Density Video Accelerator

The Artesyn Embedded Technologies SharpStreamer™ platform accelerates video processing for service providers and equipment providers in the broadcast, OTT, MSO, ISP, CDN and cloud service provider market. Within those markets, there are multiple applications that can benefit from increased density for video streaming and transcoding. By taking advantage of x86 GPU-accelerated technology in a small and versatile PCI Express footprint, Artesyn's SharpStreamer platform offers application developers a scalable and flexible solution that fits standard server architectures and cloud-based deployments so it's now possible to multiply density without changing or adding servers. With many application developers already innovating around x86 technology and standard servers, Artesyn's SharpStreamer platform offers the possibility of realizing dramatically increased density with low development effort.

SharpStreamer ISV Ecosystem

The SharpStreamer ISV Ecosystem provides members access to testing and compatibility resources with SharpStreamer solutions to realize these benefits for its customers. SharpStreamer ISV Ecosystem members can benchmark applications, create product briefs, and receive referrals as part of the Ecosystem. By joining the Ecosystem, members can also participate in ongoing innovation and development with Artesyn to achieve maximum density/RU for specific applications, so customers have the assurance of a proven solution.

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