SiC solutions for industrial applications


Discover how onsemi addresses the needs of demanding applications such as solar inverters, electric vehicle chargers and uninterruptible power supplies with a comprehensive portfolio of energy efficient Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes, MOSFETs, modules and gate drivers.

Driving towards energy-efficient infrastructure

Energy generation, distribution and storage are expanding markets. Increasing consumer demand and the need to meet targets set by government policy are driving stakeholder interest in new technological innovations. Superior efficiency, reduced CO2 emissions, and a focus on renewable and clean energy are key factors in the evolution of the energy market.

High-power industrial and automotive applications consume a significant portion of the world’s power and now present many opportunities for energy-efficient electronics. These applications are undergoing a transition to Silicon Carbide (SiC) power semiconductors from traditional silicon (Si) power semiconductors due to the advantages they offer — lower power consumption, higher efficiency, better reliability, and lower heat dissipation.

Get a closer look at the benefits, features and applications for onsemi’s EliteSiC portfolio.

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