SLB series: Small Li-Ion rechargeable batteries for IoT and wearable applications

Developed as the optimal product for IoT, compact wearable devices and more, the SLB series of lithium-ion (Li-Ion) rechargeable batteries achieve power density on par with electric double-layer capacitors and energy density on par with batteries.

Learn more about the advantages the Nichicon SLB series of Li-Ion rechargeable batteries offers and how they enable a widespread adoption of IoT devices with features that include:

  • A longer lifespan: Retains capacities after 25,000 cycles
  • Rapid charge and discharge: Supports rates of up to 20C for rapid charge and discharge in about 3 minutes.
  • Low charging current: Harvests energy from light, heat and even radio waves
  • Low temperature performance: Maintains 50% capacity at -30C
  • Safety: Virtually no chance of rupture or ignition

Discover the SLB series

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