New Product Introduction: STMicroelectronics' LDBL20 and LDK320

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Introducing STMicroelectronics' LDBL20 and LDK320 linear regulators.

STMicroelectronics, an industry leader in semiconductors for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, has released a set of linear regulators, the LDBL20 and LDK320. Necessary for maintaining steady voltage in a circuit, STMicro’s new linear regulators each have their own key features. The LDBL20 has an ultra-low dropout voltage (200 mV @ 200 mA load), a very low quiescent current (20 µA, 0.3 µA in “off” mode) and the new space saving STSTAMP packaging, making it ideal for products like cell phones, tablets and wearable devices. The LDK320, which has similar features on a higher scale (100 mV dropout, 60 µA quiescent), is useful for larger electronics like PCs, DVD or TV, with potential for industrial use, as well. 

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