STMicroelectronics’ STWBC-WA: Digital Controller for Wearable Wireless Chargers and IoT applications

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Wireless chargers are quickly becoming the most popular method of recharging battery-powered systems, eliminating the need for tangled cords or clunky docking stations. STMicroelectronics has created a digital controller/transmitter, the STWBC-WA, for wireless charging applications like wearables or other Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity systems.


The STWBC-WA controller modulates the magnetic coils which serve as the power output in wireless charging systems. By trimming the outgoing frequencies and duty cycles, the STWBC-WA adjusts the power received by the devices it charges. Optimized to operate in systems under 3 W, the native 5 V input of the STWBC-WA makes it ideal for USB power supplies. The transmitter has on-board memory options for personalizing the wireless power outputs to best serve your system’s needs. It also has active device detection/recognition, which automatically stops the magnetic coils when no device is in range of the charger. Because it is optimized for systems under 3 W (although the economical half-bridge set up can be augmented to service 3 W systems), the STWBC-WA is ideal for smart watches and other wearable devices or remote-controlled devices like drones.

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