STMicroelectronics’ VIPER011XSTR: Avalanche-Rugged, Energy-Saving, High-Voltage Converter

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STMicroelectronics has delivered another top-of-the-line high voltage converter to their continuously expanding line of products. The VIPER011XSTR combines an avalanche-rugged power MOSFET with PWM current control, and is designed to meet even the most rigorous energy-saving standards with its pulse frequency modulation and low power operation.

Not only is it designed to save energy in your solution, the VIPER011XSTR is sure to minimize costs and promote safety for your circuit. Embedded in the VIPER011XSTR is a high-voltage startup and proprietary Sense-FET, which ensures practically lossless current sensing. Also integrated is an error amplifier with 1.2 V reference and an oscillator to assist with PWM control, ultimately reducing the number of peripherals required in your system. The included thermal shutdown and soft-start features, combined with OLP, OVP, max duty cycle counting and pulse-skip protections safeguard the VIPER011XSTR and its associated circuit.

All of these key features make the VIPER011XSTR perform exceptionally in low-power SMPS systems, such as white goods and other household appliances, as well as low power adapter circuits.

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