System Solution for Microwave Oven

Innovative technologies for life quality improvement.

Microwave ovens have changed the way we cook by allowing to rapidly heat the food. However, there are still a lot of chal- lenges faced by the oven manufacturers such as uneven cooking due to its current design, losing power over time affecting user experience and safety risks due to high voltages during operation or even when unplugged.

With the latest solid state RF powered oven solution from Infineon, we enable applications featuring more precise cooking, im- proved food quality, greater consistency as well as selective heating with versatile and complex cooking combinations. Infineon provides a complete system solution with the latest LDMOS FETs, RF power transistors, WIFI interface and solutions for SMPS.

Key focus products:
› LDMOS FET: PTFC270101M for excellent gain, efficiency and linearity performance
› CoolMOS™ P6: high voltage Power MOSFET family for superior efficiency and ease of use
› XMC4500: Microcontroller for motor control, the ultimate choice for today’s industrial control solutions


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