TE Connectivity’s 1393143 Relay Socket Range

TE Connectivity (TE) is your components provider for relays that help increase reliability and enhance productivity in your applications. Learn more about the Family of TE Connectivity relay sockets for KHA, KU, KRPA, and R10 relays.

The Potter & Brumfield range of relay sockets, including the KHA, KU, KRPA, and R10 relays, are designed to allow relays to be reinserted and replaced in the field. The use of hold down springs provides improved contact between the relay pin and the socket, and the use of plates and brackets permit various mounting options. The range of relay sockets can withstand currents up to 15 A with a maximum voltage of 300 VAC (600 V for 27E891). Depending on the module, the range of relay sockets are available in either push fit contacts or screw terminals for use with cables. Contacts are made using tin plated brass and the body of the sockets are made using either glass-filed polyester, polyester, or phenolic.  TE Connectivity offers one of the broadest ranges of relays and contactors in the world, and TE’s quick-to-install and industry-proven products will help you develop solutions for your most demanding connectivity challenges.

Product Brief Video


Relay Socket Range article inset

Key Features

  • Compatible with KHA, KU, KRPA, and R10 relays
  • Up to 15 A operating current
  • Available in PCB, solder, or screw terminals
  • Tin plated brass contacts and spring-loaded holding mechanism

General Applications

  • Relay applications
  • Maintenance

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