Harnessing connectivity solutions in smart cities video surveillance applications

As smart cities evolve in urban areas around the world, surveillance can play a powerful role in improving quality of life and the safety of our societies.

Technologies such as real-time video surveillance, facial recognition, and license plate reading are becoming more widely used to help ensure public safety. TE Connectivity (TE) explore the demands and trends in smart surveillance technology within the smart city ecosystem and review what engineers need to consider when designing smart surveillance products and components.

TE understands the challenges inherent in IoT applications, especially in harsh environments. When designing products for smart outdoor surveillance applications, our engineers use their expertise to help identify the right connectivity products for your design and manufacturing needs. As 5G continues to rollout and cities look for ways to improve infrastructure, safety and quality of living, taking a holistic view of how components and the end devices potentially could work together and what that means for design is becoming more and more important.

With our combination of sensor, antenna, connectors, cables and harsh environment expertise, TE can provide an ideal combination of connectivity technical expertise with industry understanding to address smart city and smart surveillance requirements. Take advantage of this growing smart city trend with a partner committed to helping you win in your markets.

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TE Free Height Connectors
Free Height Connectors
TE Board Level Shielding
Board Level Shielding
TE RF Connectors
RF Connectors
TE Antennas
M2 Connectors NEW
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SIM Card Connectors NEW
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Smart City Outdoor Surveillance EcoSystem Inforgraphic

Smart City Surveillance Design Considerations Infographic

Connectivity Product Guide For Smart Surveillance Applications Infographic

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