Lighting Application Guide

Smart lighting solutions are an important way to create homes and businesses that are more connected. In this article, learn how new lighting fixtures, connectors, relays, sensors, filters, and other components from TE Connectivity can help you design for a smarter world.

TE offers a range of products, solutions, and support that help you accelerate your development. The benefits of working with TE include:

Single-source supply
Dependable, expert support - both before and after the sale
Customized solutions
Free samples   

Lighting Solutions from TE

Explore the range of lighting components available from TE for LED street lighting, indoor lighting, outdoor lighting, horticultural lighting, lighting controls, and more. Options available include:   

Fixture Connect Solutions make building or retrofitting street lighting much easier.  
Controls technology facilitates compact, manufacturable, field-upgradable solutions.
Light Engine Interconnects seamlessly integrate light engines for modern LED streetlights.
Driver Interconnect, including wire-to-wire or wire-to-board options, offer design flexibility.

For more information, click through to the article.


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