TE’s New SlimSeal Miniature Connectors for High-Intensity Applications

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The newest in miniature cable connection options from TE Connectivity is the SlimSeal family. The series is designed to provide a system with robust water and dustproof connection options, all in a miniature package. With wire-to-wire and wire-to-board connection options, the space-saving SlimSeal family features positive latching for secure connections and multiple colors for flexibility and easy identification.

TE’s SlimSeal family are crafted to make connecting your high-humidity design a snap. The series is rated up to 5 A for 18 to 20 AWG wires and up to 3 A for 22 AWG wiring, with up to a 400 VAC max. voltage rating and up to 1800 VAC dielectric withstanding voltage. Every member of the SlimSeal family comes with pre-assembled seals, giving you a quicker time-to-market while simplifying the dust/waterproofing process. Due to this, the SlimSeal family are ideal for outdoor applications, like lighting or security, as well as white goods like refrigerators.


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