Texas Instruments: ADS126x 32-Bit, Precision, 38-kSPS, Analog-to-Digital Converter

Have you seen TI's new ADS1262 which has High Resolution, Low Noise, 32-bit, 38kSPS ADC with PGA and Internal Reference?

The ADS1262 and ADS1263 are low-noise, low-drift, 38.4-kSPS, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) ADCs with an integrated PGA, reference, and internal fault monitors. The ADS1263 integrates an auxiliary, 24-bit, ΔΣ ADC intended for background measurements. The sensor-ready ADCs provide complete, high-accuracy, one-chip measurement solutions for the most-demanding sensor applications, including weigh scales, strain-gauge sensors, thermocouples, and resistance temperature devices (RTD).


  • Precision, 32-bit, ΔΣ ADC
  • Auxiliary 24-Bit, ΔΣ ADC (ADS1263)
  • Data Rates: 2.5 SPS to 38400 SPS
  • Differential Input, CMOS PGA
  • 11 Multifunction Analog Inputs


  • Analog Input Module
  • Pressure Transmitter 
  • Temperature Transmitter
  • Flow Transmitter
  • Temperature Sensor/Controller using Modbus
Texas Instruments ADS126x 32 Bit Precision 38 kSPS Analog to Digital Converter secondary 1

Texas Instruments ADS126x 32 Bit Precision 38 kSPS Analog to Digital Converter secondary 2

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