Texas Instruments: Get there first. Or Others will. Check out our Industrial TI Designs!

Jump start system design and speed up time to market! Looking to get to market first with the latest Industrial System designs such as Factory Automation and Control, Motor drive, Smart grid and Building Automation solutions? Then try out our TI Designs. TI Designs will help you to get your designs to market first.

With Industrial design labs across the world, TI understands the market and develops innovative designs that let you go from concept to production quicker than the rest. 

The portfolio includes schematics or block diagrams, BOMs, design files and test reports. All of them created by experts who know the industry inside out. 

TI has the solutions you need to improve the speed, efficiency and power of your designs. All at your fingertips, and all for free. So your innovation will be first to market - way ahead of the competition. 

So visit TI Designs and don't just get going, get there first. 


  • Comprehensive designs include schematics or block diagrams, BOMs, design files and test reports
  • Created by experts with deep system and product knowledge
  • Spans TI's portfolio of analog, embedded processor and connectivity products
  • Supports a broad range of applications including industrial, automotive, consumer, medical and more


  • Factory Automation and Control
  • Motor Drive
  • Smart Grid
  • Building Automation
Texas Instruments Get there first Or Others will Check out our Industrial TI Designs secondary 1

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