The Features and Benefits of the AVX 9176-800 Series of IDCs

Learn more about how the AVX 9176-800 series of IDCs offers new packaging solutions for your next industrial, medical and transportation application.

The AVX 9176-800 series of insulation displacement connectors (IDC) is designed specifically for 22-30AWG discrete wires in size critical applications. To develop an IDC package size for more space-constrained applications, the “Z” axis height was reduced by1.0mm and the volume was reduced by up to 50% in comparison to previous IDC connectors. There are also more size ranges available from a 1 position up to 4 positions in each wire gauge. Other design features of the AVX 9176-800 series include a capped design for simple flat rock termination, colored insulators to match wire colors, a gas-tight, cold-welded connection to the wire with redundant and fatigue-resistant phosphor bronze material, and the ability to be potted or over molded to encapsulate electronic modules and provide environmental protection. Discover how the full range of the AVX 9176-800 series can provide new packaging solutions for your next design in industrial, medical and transportation applications — including: smart metering, LED lighting, industrial controls and portable monitoring and measurement devices.





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