From commercial refrigerants, to industrial compressors, to transportation fuel and coolants, the MIP Series heavy-duty pressure transducers maximize efficiency while saving on energy consumption.
Rugged, stainless-steel design meets reliable EMC performance to tackle some of the most aggressive medias. The MIP Series is a cost-competitive solution for an array of applications in tough environments.
In Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems Mip Sensors help maintain an acceptable indoor environment. The three components of an HVAC/R system are heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. Due to the high cost of energy, the HVAC/R systems need to be efficient. Controlling the compressor suction and discharge pressure to match refrigeration needs helps to increase efficiency and reduce energy costs. The Honeywell MIP Series offers a media-isolated pressure transducer in a compact, stainless steel construction for use with a wide range of media including corrosive fluids and water.
Learn more about the Honeywell MIP Pressure Sensors
• Diagnostics: Beneficial in applications where the sensor functionality and the need to know internal or external failure modes is critical.
• Great customer value: Multiple configuration possibilities provide flexibility of use in the application with no up front NRE or tooling charges.
• Durable: Provides the tough environmental capabilities needed, including long-term stability, insulation resistance and dielectric strength, external freeze-thaw resistance for the Metri-Pack 150 versions and EMC performance.
Learn more about the Honeywell MIP Industrial Refrigeration Applications
Available in both Ratiometric and 4 -20mA outputs.