eInfochips: Turning Science Fiction into Reality

Learn how eInfochips is enabling the future of IoT development with expert support and innovative technologies.

Artificial Intelligence has been a hot topic recently with widespread depictions of AI in science fiction movies and books going back decades. While it may be fun to fantasize about robots doing all the undesirable tasks for humans, the reality is AI, particularly at the edge, hasn’t been something businesses could utilize until quite recently. As systems and edge data harvesting has grown significantly, so has the need to understand and react to edge device state changes without the need for human intervention. The only issue is that designing and implementing these edge AI systems is not easy and requires expertise that few companies have strived to hire and retain long term.

One such company is eInfochips, which has not just one expert but a team of experts within AI solutions that are available for design services. Not only do they work to develop solutions using deep learning-based data pipelines covering data processing, perception, planning, control, and insights, but they work across industries including healthcare, logistics, transportation, home automation and automotive. With both the depth and breadth of knowledge coupled with their long experience, eInfochips provides a service to customers that can improve edge device control and intelligence, and personalized user experience by orders of magnitude. In addition to the services, eInfochips also creates platforms and products that can enable customers to reduce time to market by utilizing ready to compute platforms that seamlessly integrate into a final product design.

One of these platforms it the Eragon QCS610 System on Module (SOM), which holds multi-core processing and advanced video codec offering high-resolution at low power. With several connectivity solutions, including WIFI and Bluetooth 5.0. This Eragon QCS610 system makes the ideal choice to start off development of IoT, camera, or wearable technologies. So just because we have associated Artificial intelligence and machine learning with science fiction doesn’t mean we can’t make it a reality with the assistance of great companies and platforms.

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