Variscite Product Highlights

Variscite designs and manufactures end-to-end System on Module solutions that smoothly integrate into any embedded operating system such as Linux, android and Windows Embedded Compact 6/7. Their custom-engineered System on Modules, Single Board Computers, Evaluation Kits and Extension Boards optimize product design, development and manufacture.

Variscite Product Highlights

VAR-SOM-MX6 - Based on the Freescale i.MX6. The SoM offers scalable performance and Wide connectivity.

DART-4460 - Based on the TI OMAP4460. Measuring just 17x52mm, it’s the smallest Cortex-A9 SOM in the market. Ideal for mobile and battery operated applications.

VAR-SOM-AM33 - Based on the TI Sitara AM335x -  A very low cost,  powerful and flexible solution for a full spectrum of applications.

Compact VAR-SOM-OM44 - Based on TI's latest OMAP4460, with two powerful ARM Cortex-A9 MPCores running up to 1.5GHz each.

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