The benefits of Parallel DCMs™ from Vicor

The parallel operation of ChiP DCMs has many benefits: increased current, redundancy, and improved reliability – all with no derating. The theory of operation is primarily an extension of the operation of a single unit, with some additional considerations to be sure that current sharing is optimized, so that the circuit achieves maximum efficiency.

The DC-DC Converter Module (DCM) operates on a high frequency, double-clamped zero voltage switching (DC-ZVS) topology, which provides a revolutionary increase in density and efficiency compared to other complete DC-DC converter solutions. The DCM encapsulates isolation, regulation, thermal management, and fault monitoring in a single module. DCMs are available in two different packages: Converter housed in Package (ChiP) and Vicor Integrated Adapter (VIA) package. 

When an application calls for more power than can be delivered by a single DCM, multiple DCMs can be put in parallel. This application note from Vicor discusses the parallel operation of ChiP DCMs. Paralleling DCMs is straightforward since the operation of each DCM in an array is nearly identical to that of a single DCM circuit. In a parallel circuit, each DCM operates on its own load line, based on its share of the load; in general, the effect of adding DCMs in parallel is to remap that same load line over a higher current range.

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