Modular solutions for power systems from source to point-of-load

High-performance modular power systems achieve higher levels of flexibility and scalability than ground-up custom designs. Vicor’s continual advances in power distribution architectures, conversion topologies, and packaging technology will keep you ahead in system efficiency and density, converting and managing power from the source to the point-of-load.

Vicor provides high-density, high-efficiency conversion enabling state-of-the-art computing designs and redefines the conventional limitations in power conversion. Vicor is an innovator in modular power products that enable 48V distribution architectures from AC/HVDC to point-of-load devices critical for advanced artificial intelligence processors. Vicor has established a new category of processor power designs with its Power-on-Package solutions based on Factorized Power Architecture and SM-ChiP packaging design. 

Solving the toughest power delivery challenges

These solutions are maximizing processor performance by delivering high currents at sub 1V levels and eliminating traditional board losses. Learn all about the specs, features, and benefits of Vicor’s high-performance modular power systems, including:

DCM isolated-regulated DC-DC converter modules – high power converters for all standard industry input voltages
BCM® isolated fixed-ratio DC-DC bus converter modules – intermediate bus converters
NBM non-isolated fixed-ratio bus converter modules – bidirectional power converters
ZVS buck switching non-isolated DC-DC regulators – 12V, 24V, or 48V direct to PoL regulators
ZVS buck-boost switching non-isolated DC-DC regulators – direct to PoL regulators

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