is at Electronica!

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Are you ready for Electronica? We are. Arrow invites you to visit our booth, #225 in Hall A4, and hear about everything new and exciting we’ve got going on.

If you’re interested in IoT, you can learn more about eVolve, which supports all aspects involved with the building and managing of IoT applications. You can see how we provide end-to-end solutions with stable connectivity, Cloud services, and value recovery, all necessary elements of commercial IoT solutions. We’ve also got a Smart Room to showcase numerous IoT solutions, and we invite you to check them out!

You can also speak with team members from the Arrow Digital Group. will be there to share the latest features on our website and how you can use it to make your own high-quality products and solutions. We are more than happy to show you how we can offer our support from design to distribution.

If you want to be economical when looking for hard-to-find parts and components, speak with our team representing Verical. They will be glad to explain the ins and outs of mindfully shopping for unique parts. Meanwhile, Indiegogo representatives are ready to show you how we’re connecting with innovative minds and giving them access to our support and resources in order to bring new best-in-class technology products to market. Finally, Chip1Stop members will be there to demonstrate our global digital capabilities and explain how we service the electronic component market in Japan.

For those of you interested in the practicalities of and logistics behind this industry, be sure to spend some time with representatives from Arrow’s organically grown business units, including the Enterprise Computing and Intelligent Systems groups and the RF and Power specialist Richardson RFPD – find out how digital innovation enhances and empowers the complete value chain.

You can also find out about our commercial from the European Space Agency that is set to debut at Electronica and see the scaled model of the Philae Lander.

And finally, you won’t want to miss our project “How Happy is Electronica?”, which involves an algorithm that analyzes data from social media, travel, and weather feeds to produce our own happiness scale.

We at Arrow don’t need a happiness scale to tell you how happy we are to be at Electronica, but we’ll be even more content if you stop by and say hello! Come see us at booth #225 in Hall A4.

Don’t miss our Raspberry Pi 3 giveaway on Student Day!

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