Work at Arrow: Achieving Tomorrow — Today

Learn more about how Arrow employees enjoy working in an environment built for success.

As a Fortune 113 company with more than 19,000 employees in 52 countries, the work Arrow accomplishes is everything from cars to coffee makers and beyond. And when we’re done, we’re still not finished, helping companies repurpose, reuse and recycle technology of yesterday. 
We also strive to embed developmental opportunities into our work environment and provide challenging assignments that prepare our employees for greater responsibility. We encourage employees to expand their knowledge, achieve individual accomplishment and grow to become a significant, long-term contributor to our overall success. 
We reward hard work with progressive policies and cutting-edge workplace practices. We set goals annually and encourage managers and employees to be in dialogue throughout the year and revisit them as necessary, to make sure we all drive toward the collective good as our ultimate goal. We celebrate successes in all that we do—from team meetings, to town hall meetings with leaders, to a simple thank you from a direct line manager—we work hard, and we make sure our team is rewarded and recognized. 

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