Analog Devices' webinar: Edge to Cloud, Connect & Control with Remote IO modules

Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Time: 9:00 am EDT | 15:00 CET

Remote IO modules can fulfil some of today's factory automation and process control needs. This webinar will explain how such modules can be leveraged in the automation system and implemented today to provide more flexibility, edge node insights and connectivity to fit into an edge-to-cloud based AI-driven system.

Attendees will learn about:

  • Trends in Factory Automation influencing the design of remote IO modules
  • Implementing complete IO capabilities and software configurability
  • Communication options for remote IO modules

Who should attend:

  • System designers working on automation controllers and IO modules.




Image of the seminar speakerSPEAKER
Conal Watterson - Principal Marketing Engineer
Dr. Conal Watterson is a principal marketing engineer with the Factory & Process Automation end market team at Analog Devices in Limerick, Ireland. A Ph.D. and M. Eng. graduate of the University of Limerick since 2010, Conal has published a number of papers and articles on industrial fieldbus networks, diagnostics/reliability and high-speed signaling and isolation. His current focus topics are industrial automation controller and module signal chains and integration of new technologies for universal IO, new Ethernet topologies, intrinsic safety requirements and secure processing to meet cyber-resilience legislation.

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