How RFID Can Generate Store Insights and Develop a Data-Driven Retail Space

Retailers understand the importance of technology and its role in helping to deliver the experience and convenience that customers have come to expect. As consumer shopping behaviors and expectations have shifted dramatically in the digital age, they now expect to find whatever they want when they want it, and RFID has helped retailers to deliver on these expectations.

Those retailers that have moved forward with RFID have seen tremendous ROI from improving their inventory accuracy to a 98% real-time read rate. What is even more important, those same retailers have seen a nearly 8.7% increase in sales as a result.

Solution highlights and takeaways:

— Improve inventory management
— Increase revenue and staff efficiency
— Enhance the instore customer experience
— Get continuous, realtime data from fixed overhead

Brian Wixom, Sr. Mechanical Engineer, Intel

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