Selecting and Validating Silicon Carbide Power Modules for Your Application

Learn about innovations in silicon carbide power modules that make it easier than ever to meet or exceed design requirements

In this presentation, Wolfspeed demonstrates the performance tradeoffs of SiC power module platforms. Learn how to choose the right SiC power module technology for your application and get best practices on how to validate the module performance within your system.

Attendees will learn:

  •  The benefits and performance tradeoffs of Wolfspeed's SiC power module offerings for applications such as EV charging, traction drives, industrial motor drives, UPS, energy storage systems, grid infrastructure, battery management, industrial automation & testing, and power supplies.
  •  System-level and application-specific design requirements to prioritize performance metrics when choosing the right SiC power module technology.
  •  How to determine the necessary tools and methodologies to validate and test SiC power module performance.
  •  Methods to accelerate the design-in process with best practice considerations for system-level module use.

Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020

  • 9:00 am PST
  • 12:00 pm EST
  • 6:00 pm CET


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