IoT Digital Storage & Data Center Solutions

Western Digital eDGE Webinar Sept 2020_Event page header_820x410 copy 5

Innovative Storage Solutions for an Emerging IoT Market

Register now for this four-part webcast from Western Digital and learn how to leverage the latest storage and data center solutions for your IoT products. Topics covered include, how to tailor Western Digital’s products and solutions for your IoT product, the latest Western Digital data center solutions for SSDs, HDDs, and high-capacity disk storage platforms, Western Digital’s innovative solutions for the emerging IoT segment, and data storage products for automotive applications. 

Attendees will learn about:

Storage Solutions for IoT Applications
Data Center Storage Solutions
Western Digital’s Leadership in Data Infrastructure 
Automotive Storage Applications and Solutions

Available On-Demand



Training Modules Available On-Demand

Webinar 1: WDC Storage Solutions for IoT Applications: Learn how to leverage Western Digital products and solutions for an emerging IoT market. 

Webinar 2: WDC Data Center Storage Solutions: Explore Western Digital’s Data Center products and solutions, including SSDs, HDDs, and high capacity disk storage platforms, as well as market trends.

Webinar 3:  Western Digital’s Leadership in Data Infrastructure with a History of Innovation: Discover Western Digital’s history of innovation and discuss innovative storage solutions for the emerging segment.

Webinar 4: Automotive Storage Applications and Solutions: Gain expert insight on Western Digital’s latest solutions for automotive data storage applications. 



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